Articles, Book

Author Karen J Mossman’s Newsletter – June

Hello from Anglesey, North Wales! As I write this, the sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day.

My writing is progressing so I thought it time for an update.

Play the Game – a sweet love story will be released in July. I’m having a launch party. Remember those? Weren’t they fun? We should celebrate all the hard work put in and that’s what I’ll do. More details will follow.

Down by the River is a dark crime thriller, that is out with proofreaders. Release party will be in August.

The Sound of Evil is the second book of the Cassidy Newbold Clairvoyant Collection. It’s a dark story about missing teenagers. It’s back from my the editor and awaiting the publisher’s schedule.

The Ghost on the Stairs – is the third book of the same series. This one has romance with a hot biker guy and a terrifying encounter with a demon. It will go to the editor at the end of the month.

Meanwhile, The Runaway, previously published as Finding Amanda is in the early stages of rewrite. If all goes well, I hope to release this in September. – As a teenager, Mandy runs away to start a new life. Several years later, her face appears on a television programme about missing people. That means her new wonderful life is about to be blown apart.

After that, I have a romance called A Cry in the Night about a burnt out rock star who goes to seek peace and solitude after a breakdown. Whilst at his beachside rental apartment he discovers Gemma who is also recovering from a dramatic past. Together, they fix themselves.

Joanna’s Journey is a previously published full length novel which is taking me a while to rewrite. It’s set in the 80’s and follows the romantic relationships of Joanna. I’m hoping I can finish by the end of the year.

Joanna’s Destiny is the second book in the series and set in the 90s. Joanna is now with the man of her dreams, but when do things ever run smoothly? I’m aiming for a 2025 release with this previously published book.

Joanna’s Return is the final book in the trilogy and moved forward another ten years. This has a beginning and the rest of the story is still on my head. So I expect that will be 2026.

I then have another novella that appeared in an anthology, and two novels, a romance set in the seventies, and a crime thriller to get back up.

That completes my previously published books. It will be a relief to get them all out there again.

It’s nice to see my plans written down like this because it shows the road I’m going and which path to follow first. I hope to walk the journey with me.

I also made a list of my short stories and there are ninety of them! Four are published, and another four are in anthologies. Somewhere between the above, I’ll make them available.

Welcome to my World of Stories

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