Book, Kindle Unlimited, Post Apocolyptic

Power, Part Two by Christopher Artinan

A power take over means a rebellion and a battle is imminent.

This is book seven of the series and I’ve enjoyed all of them. The story starts with Salvation,an underground bunker built to protect the people from an asteroid that hit the earth and wiped out everything.

Each books tells a different story of darkness, survival, and hope.

Power was another exciting read. The main character is Callie, but in this story she takes more of a back seat and others take her place. The action happens in the new town of Redemption, the trading place of Infinity, and the under ground bunker of Salvation, all which are titles of previous books in the series to introduce them to us. By now readers are now very familiar with characters and the place they live. That’s what makes this book compulsive reading.

Throughout the story, there was a repetition of words and sentences. For instance someone would say, ‘what do you think happened back there and the reply would be, ‘what do I think happened back there?’ Just as it was beginning to irritate me, the climax began to build.

And boy, did it build! I thought the ending, which went on for several chapters, was terrific. Action packed and fast paced. I loved it. There was a call to arms, chases down corridors, a dramatic takeover and it was all very exciting.

I almost gave this book four stars, but that ending deserves a magnificent 5! I recommend the book and the whole series.


The day of judgement has arrived.

Chaos and devastation reign once more, but this time, they are wielded by a single man with just one goal—power.

To gain it, he will do whatever it takes, no matter the cost.

For the citizens of Redemption there are only two options, submit or die.

The choice is an easy one for most, but some will not get to make it. Some will be struck down even before the first bullets are fired.

This is the end that has been a long time in coming. With fear, sadness and pain in their hearts, Callie, Drake and the others must face it together.

Who’ll win?

They’re about to find out.

Other Books in the Series

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